Software Performance Systems, Inc

Making IT Work.
Case Studies
SPS Case Studies provide insight into real SPS projects. Each case study gives a brief background on the project, elaborates on how SPS delivered success, and emphasizes the value our client received.
For an in depth look at our case studies, we invite you to view the following documents:
Smithsonian Institution- Bringing 14 museums to an enterprise human resources management PeopleSoft solution
Department of Justice, Joint Automated Booking System - Web technologies enable cost-effective deployment of key law enforcement tool
Department of Justice, Joint Consolidated Office Network - Collaborative business and technical consulting results in large program success
Department of Commerce, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office - From weeks to minutes: an enterprise-wide service for accounting and managing fee revenue
Department of Commerce, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office - Component Based Architecture drives one of USPTO's largest and most complex system migration and deployment successes
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality - State-wide monitoring, enforcing, and reporting of industrial impact on the environment
Smithsonian Institution - Bringing 14 museums to an enterprise financial management PeopleSoft solution
World Intellectual Property Organization - Successful transition from Standards Body to Receiving Office for electronic international patent applications
Library of Congress - Providing Continuity of Operations for a national treasure
U.S. Coast Guard - Automated support to issuing Certificates of Financial Responsibility, and prosecuting oil spill claims submitted to the National Pollution Funds Center​
Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Protecting life at sea: providing timely and accurate nautical charts to mariners