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Federal Agency Executives

"When citizens and businesses get online instead of waiting in line, they can obtain faster, more convenient access to government services, and with fewer errors."

                                                                             — McKinsey Consulting

In the race to comply with e-Government mandates and calls for greater cross-agency coordination, a seasoned Federal IT partner can put you in front. SPS has a strong track record of helping government agencies meet the President's Management Agenda objectives, manage IT portfolios, and prepare Exhibit 300s.  We understand the pressures and challenges of changing budgets, priorities, and technologies.


SPS is a small business, and has been DCAA-certified for cost-plus contracts.  We are expert in all aspects of program management, system development, enterprise architecture, and IT security.


Our innovative solutions, application of advanced technologies, and close attention to Return-on-Investment have garnered our clients' prestigious awards from the Federal IT leadership. In your race both to comply and to excel, we're with you every step of the way.

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